Are you looking for a reliable and trusted company to install a fence for your in ground pool or above ground pool? Communicate directly with our specialists!
REMOVABLE FENCE: Build a fence that has a self-closing and self-latching gate; keep the gate closed with restricted access at all times. Refer to your municipal bylaws for fencing requirements.
If you have a pool, you must have a fence that completely surrounds it. Combined with the watchful eyes of an adult, a fence is the best way to protect your child and other children who may visit or live nearby.
A pool fence should be climb-resistant and shouldn’t have anything alongside it that can be used to climb it.
REMOVABLE FENCE: Unique climb-resistant mesh gives children and adults no toeholds or finger holds. Lightweight fence rolls up when not in use for easy storage. For more information, please contact the affiliated installer Child Safe Removable Pool nearest to you. 1-800-635-3926 |